
Raphael Valverde

Raphael Valverde is Brazilian and lives in Campinas, São Paulo where he was born and takes most of his photographs. His main goal is to explore and share the sensations and experiences that the street brings you. Instagram:
construction man in blue Raphael Valverde fotogenik collective street photography
white shirt and hat Raphael Valverde fotogenik collective street photography
only legs Raphael Valverde fotogenik collective street photography
dog with money Raphael Valverde fotogenik collective street photography
girl asleep in public bench Raphael Valverde fotogenik collective street photography
Corinthians soccer pare Raphael Valverde fotogenik collective street photography
red hat Raphael Valverde fotogenik collective street photography
green gym Raphael Valverde fotogenik collective street photography
watermelon in the window Raphael Valverde fotogenik collective street photography
purple umbrella Raphael Valverde fotogenik collective street photography
woman in red Raphael Valverde fotogenik collective street photography
man getting up Raphael Valverde fotogenik collective street photography